MIDI Implementation Chart
Basic SysEx format
In below explanations, hexadecimal numbers are written with a leading '0x' prefix. |
Value | Name |
0xF0 |
SysEx header |
0x00 0x20 0x0D |
MIDITEMP manufacturer ID |
0x5C |
Model ID (12Mic-D) |
0x00..0x0F |
Device ID (0..15) |
mm |
Message type (1 byte) |
data |
Data bytes (optional and not limited in size) |
0xF7 |
A number between 0 and 15 as set in the GUI of the device.
Message Types
Value | Name |
0x10 |
Request Settings Dump |
0x11 |
Request Levelmeter Dump |
0x12 |
Request Changes |
0x13 |
Request Channel Label |
0x20 |
Set Parameter |
0x23 |
Set Channel Label |
0x30 |
Value/Dump response |
Request Settings Dump (0x10)
Format: F0 00 20 0D 5C (bank no. / dev ID) 10 F7
This type triggers a complete dump of all value response data bytes.
Settings Dump Response 0x30 (for Request 0x10 / for Parameter setting 0x20)
After being triggered by receiving a request (settings/set parameter), the device sends value response data bytes (three bytes per parameter) with its message type set to 0x30.
Request Levelmeter Data (0x11)
Format: F0 00 20 0D 5C (bank no. / dev ID) 11 F7
This type triggers a dump of levelmeter data.
Levelmeter Response 0x31 (for Request 0x11)
A consecutive dump of (single byte) levelmeter data of the following channels:
Mic1..Mic12, Phones L..R pre attenuation, Phones L..R post attenuation
Each byte corresponds to the following dBFS value:
Decimal | Description |
126 |
125..95 |
0dB..-6dB (level[dB] = (Value - 125) * 0.2) |
94…23 |
-6.5dB..-42dB (level[dB] = (Value - 107) * 0.5) |
22..1 |
-43..-64dB (level[dB] = Value - 65) |
0 |
Set Value (0x20)
Sets any number of parameters in four byte words.
Byte | Description |
0 |
Parameter number (see below) |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Valid |
The 'valid' byte value is specified for each parameter below. Its purpose is to allow partial update of the the current parameter, acting as a mask for LSB and MSB.
Parameter 0 (Input Channel 1) includes gain, AutoSet, phase invert, and other settings.
In order to only set phase invert: . Look up the valid bit in the third column: 0x08 (bit 3). . Look up the settings byte and bit in the first colum: MSB bit 3 . Create the complete parameter setting: 00 00 08 08 to set phase invert on, 00 00 00 08 to set phaes invert off.
To set both phase invert and gain at the same time for channel 2: . Look up the value of the gain byte: LSB bit 0..6, so for example 0x41 for 65 dB gain . Look up the value for phase inversion: MSB bit 3 . Add both valid bits from the third column: 0x01 + 0x08 = 0x09 (bits 0 and 3) . Create the parameter: 02 41 08 09
Decimal | Hex | Description |
0-11 |
0x00-0x0B |
Input Channel Settings |
12 |
0x0C |
Combo Channel Jack |
13 |
0x0D |
Combo Channel High-Z |
14 |
0x0E |
Headphones Left |
15 |
0x0F |
Headphones Right |
21 |
0x15 |
Clock Settings |
23 |
0x17 |
Clock Lock / Sync |
26 |
0x1A |
Clock Current |
48 |
0x30 |
Preset Operation |
Input Channel Settings (0x0-0xB)
Byte | Description | Valid |
Bit 0-6 Gain: values 0dB to 75 |
0x01 |
Bit 0 Reserved |
Bit 1 AutoSet |
0x02 |
Bit 2 +48V |
0x04 |
Bit 3 Phase Invert |
0x08 |
Bit 4-6 Group (0: none, 1-6: group) |
0x10 |
Combo Channel Jack (0xC)
Byte | Description | Valid |
Bit 0 Jack Channel 1: (0: XLR, 1: TRS) |
0x01 |
Bit 1 Jack Channel 2: (0: XLR, 1: TRS) |
0x02 |
Bit 2 Jack Channel 3: (0: XLR, 1: TRS) |
0x04 |
Bit 3 Jack Channel 4: (0: XLR, 1: TRS) |
0x08 |
0 |
Combo Channel High-Z (0xD)
Byte | Description | Valid |
Bit 0 High-Z Channel 1 |
0x01 |
Bit 1 High-Z Channel 2 |
0x02 |
Bit 2 High-Z Channel 3 |
0x04 |
Bit 3 High-Z Channel 4 |
0x08 |
0 |
Headphone Volume and Settings (0xE, 0xF)
Byte | Description | Valid |
Bit 0-6 Volume: values -63.5dB to 0dB |
Bit 0 Volume: range (0: -127dB, -63.5dB) |
0x01 |
Bit 1 Mute |
0x02 |
Right Channel Only: Bit 2-3 Mode (0: Link, 1: Indep, 2: Bal) |
0x04 |
Mode is only set on the right channel (0xF) |
Clock Settings (0x15)
Byte | Description | Valid |
Bit 0-3 Clock Source: (Internal, WCK, MADI Coax, MADI Opt) |
0x01 |
Bit 4: WCK always single |
0x02 |
Bit 0-3 Sample rate index: (44.1k, 48k, 88.2k, 96k, 176.4k, 192k) |
0x08 |
Bit 4: Preferred Leader |
0x10 |
Clock Status (0x17) (Receive only)
Byte | Description |
0x17 LSB |
Lock: Bit 0: WC, Bit 1: MADI Coax, Bit 2: Madi Opt, Bit 6: Device Is Leader |
0x17 MSB |
Sync: Bit 0: WC, Bit 1: MADI Coax, Bit 2: Madi Opt, Bit 6: PTP Mute |